FinfraG - Trade Repositories finally appointed
On April 1, 2017, FINMA has finally appointed SIX and REGIS-TR as (first) trade repositories for FinfraG-reporting.
This means that the reporting obligation for NFC-s will start on April 1, 2018.
How Microsoft Treasury uses Power BI
We found an interesting article on how Microsoft Treasury uses Power BI, highlighting a couple of really impressive numbers and facts.
EMIR reporting - revised Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS)
On 21 January 2017, the revised Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) for EMIR were published in the official journal of the European Union. These standards will become effective as of November 1, 2017.
REGIS-TR have put together some of the key aspects in a short presentation.
If you don't want to deal with all the details that will make the EMIR-reporting even more complicated than it actually is, we do. Get in touch in case you want us to take care of all these issues for you.
EMIRate - client no. 100. And counting.
Oops. That can happen when you are really busy. We almost forgot to tell you: EMIRate client no. 100 has signed, 101, 102 and 103 too.
TFM and Power BI - Since seeing is believing ...
Check out our interactive PowerBI sample reports for 'Cash Position & Accounts' ( and 'Cash Flow Forecast & FX Exposure' ( No software installation required, just click and see. And be surprised.
TFM TV - s05e05 - FX Exposure Visualization
Our newest episode is online. See how easy it is to visualize cash flows, hedges and net exposures using TFM and Microsoft Power BI.
Regulation 385 - good news for corporate treasuries
Regulatory relief for corporate treasuries and good news concerning cash pools and I/C financing (Source: AFP)
The Global Risk Report 2016
This is absolutely worth reading. And worth a consideration when it comes to enterprise risk management and the right conclusions. Download.
EMIRate - who will be client no. 100?
Last week we signed our 99th EMIRate client. So, who will be no. 100? Don't wait too long, we have a surprise for you.
TFM and Microsoft Power BI - The Making Of
Since seeing is believing, we recorded a video of the generation of a report based on TFM data.
The callenge: You want a report showing where (entities, regions) the cash tied up on non-pooled bank accounts is (compared with pooled accounts), by counterparty (bank) and bank group, all on an interactive map, indicating where to look first, also available on smart devices?
How long do you think does it take to create such a report?
Hours? Days?
2:20. Two minutes, twenty seconds.
See yourself. We recommend switching to full screen mode.
TFM and Microsoft Power BI - a powerful couple
Microsoft Power BI is a fairly new product (as part of Office 365, free desktop version or mobile app). It has some truly amazing features and is as easy to use as TFM. Have a look here. Data analysis and visualization has never been easier.
Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein
As EEA-member countries, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein will have to adopt EMIR into their national legislations. The interesting aspect is that they will have to do this at the same time with the same effective dates. Since the introduction of EMIR in these countries induces changes of the national constitutions that require a respective decision by the national governments, this process is still ongoing and no final dates have been decided yet. If you want to be kept updated with regards to this topic, please sign up for our newsletter and / or check back on our website.
After the forecast is before the forecast
Cash flow forecast ready? Check. Quite often this is the end of the process, although the much more exciting part could begin now. E.g. with the question 'and, if ... not?'.
With our tools, in combination with TFM, scenario simulation and calculations are as easy as 1, 2, 3. Export, play, compare and re-import if you like.
From budget to forecast
First REMIT client signed
Our first client using our REMIT-service signed the SLA yesterday. We are very much looking forward to the cooperation with FrieslandCampina.