A new TFM client ...

... went 'live' today (Cash Position & Cash Flow).

New SEPA project in Switzerland

First SEPA project in Switzerland confirmed today.

EMIR - reporting timeline updated

ESMA published the new EMIR-timeline after not having appointed Trade Repositories so far (which is now expected for September 24). The start for reporting for all classes (IR, FX, commodities ...) is now scheduled for 1/1/2014. 

EMIRate ready for demonstration

EMIRate is ready for presentation. If you are interested in an online demonstration please request your personal demonstration via emir-ate.com.

EMIRate press release

emir-ate.com online

Our especially for everything related with EMIR designed portal www.emir-ate.com is online. Here you will find facts, information and useful links, but also Peter Wais' blog. You can also follow the development steps of EMIRate, our Cloud-based service for your EMIR-reporting, for group-internal as well as externally concluded derivative transactions. Reporting at the press of a button. Simple, easy to use and secure.

New client - SEPA project

Confirmation for a 'SEPA-Monitor' (new Austrian client) received today, project starts in June.

Peter Wais - New partner

We are delighted to welcome Peter Wais as partner at Treamo. Peter has a proven track record as consultant and trainer in the areas of the management of financial and commodity risks as well as the optimization of trading processes.In the past, Peter has been working, among others, for Erste Bank, OMV, Algorithmics and PVM Oil Associates.


Have you ever asked yourself how you will technically comply with reporting requirements of EMIR?

With EMIRate, we will soon be making a new platform available that will support you in all aspects related to reporting by providing - among others - the following features:

  • Freely definable uploads, e.g. from TMS
  • A simple user interface for manual data capturing
  • The preparation and transfer of data to the Trade Repository at the press of a button

The pricing model will be based on a standard fee and a fee dependent on the number of transactions. EMIRate will therefore be attractive for enterprises of all sizes, from small to large, due to its moderate and fair pricing model. Interested?

Please contact us for more information.

Commodity Hedging Tool

We are about to release a commodity hedging tool which will be used by the first client soon. The tool covers swaps and Asian-style options and provides an EMIR-compliant reporting. In case of interest, please contact us. 

New project with Swiss client

An exhausting week eventually ends with a signed project with a Swiss client who is looking for a replacement of his current TMS-solution. 


12/12/12 - finally! banktory.com is online. Search for banks, have a private chat with colleagues. And soon more.


12/12/12 - save the date! We'll have a little surprise for all members of the treasury & finance community. Watch out!

New TFM Cloud-App client

A new client (automotive industry) decided to use the TFM Cloud-App.

TFM 'on premise' - First client live

Our first TFM 'on premise'-client went live this week. Smooth installation, went very well. 

