T-68. EMIR REFIT. We are ready.

Are you ready for REFIT? We are.

If you want to get rid of the headache, drop us a note and we will get in touch with you.

Autumns starts with two new TFM clients

We welcome to new TFM clients in Switzerland and Austria. Projects have already been kicked off and are underway. Both clients will be live soon.

TFM Exchange Promotion

TFM Exchange Promotion until December 31, 2020! Bring your old cash flow forecasting spreadsheets or system and use TFM three months for free. Contactless implementation possible. Get rid of the headache, use TFM.

Free of charge TFM package for SMEs affected by COVID-19

Our free of charge TFM package for SMEs with annual revenues up to EUR 50m.

Use our professional Cloud-based solution for cash flow forecasting and cash reporting 100% free of charge until the end of the year 2020.

We have already set up the respective environment. All you need is an internet browser and an internet connection. Our team is looking forward to helping you with the setup. All tasks can be executed 'contactless' and remotely.

Contact: tfm-corona@treamo.com


COVID / Corona Treasury First Aid package

Our Corona First Aid package for you

  1. TFM, cash flow forecasting and cash reporting with our Cloud-based application – project start within 24 hours after assignment.
  2. Data analysis, scenario calculations, simulations. Preparation of solid decision base.
  3. Evaluation of your liquidity management – guidelines, reserves, strategies, hedging of liquidity requirements.
  4. Temporary support (preparation of cash flow forecasts, support of subsidiaries, …)

All these measures, even the implementation of TFM, can be executed 100% contactless.

BEPS Intra-group financial transactions

Are you looking for an easy-to-use tool for the calculation of risk-adjusted margins for your intra-group financial transactions based on individual KPIs and internal rating measures and country risk factors? Then you should get in touch with us.
With our tool, you can generate and send the results of the rating/scoring to the group subsidiaries at the press of a button, as well as you can generate files including the final interest rates/margins for your TMS or ERP system.

TFM & Power BI

A comprehensive and interactive TFM / Power BI report that you can play with: bit.ly/2lJUczn
Can your cash flow forecasting solution do that?

Successful start of a TFM implemetation project ...

... in Western Austria. Smooth as usual, lots of, for the client, helpful findings during the setup phase. Just the way it should be.


Unless the BREXIT will be postponed, intra-group derivative transactions between EEA-based entities and UK-based entities will have to be (additionally) reported by the UK entity to a UK-based trade repository as of April 1, 2019. Technical standards have so far not been published by the FCA, but there still is plenty of time.

REGIS-TR are currently in the process of setting up a trade repository in UK. We expect to support the UK reporting obligation in EMIRate.

New free Excel tool - ECB Rates

Download here.

EMIRate: Best Multi-Regulatory Reporting Solution Europe 2018

Something to be proud of: https://cfi.co/awards/professional-services/2018/treamo-best-multi-regulatory-reporting-solutions-europe-2018/

Another TFM project kicked off this week

This week we started another TFM project (cash position reporting, cash flow forecasting) with a client with subsidiaries in Europe, North and South America and Asia.

New clients ...

What a great day today - One new TFM client, three new EMIRate clients (EMIR & FinfraG). We love the 'quiet' summer season.

TFM and how it can be embedded in a treasury's system landscape

We have put together a short presentation that illustrates how TFM can be embedded in a treasury's system landscape - from 'stand alone' to complete integration with TMSs and trading platforms, accounting, etc. And we have built a couple of useful tools around TFM as well. Download

Clients about TFM

We could tell you a lot about the benefits of using TFM, our Cloud-based solution for cash flow forecasting, managing your FX exposures and cash reporting. But we have clients that can do that even better: Link

