We welcome ...

... another EMIRate client from Norway.

One more new FinfraG client ...

... a pension fund, just came in.

Two new FinfraG clients

Two new Swiss clients (FC-) decided to use EMIRate for their FinfraG reporting, starting on January 1, 2018.

New treasury reporting project

We are looking forward to the start of a treasury reporting project together with a new German client.

EMIR II / All clients successfully migrated

All our EMIR clients have been successfully migrated to EMIR II.

FinfraG / Start of reporting obligation for NFC-s postponed

In a battle between FINMA and ESMA for very interesting decisions, FINMA is currently in the lead.

While most of the Swiss corporates have already started to get ready for the reporting obligation under FinfraG, FINMA has decided to postpone the start of the reporting obligation to January 1, 2019.

Good news for those not having done anything yet, bad news for those who did (which to our knowledge is the majority of Swiss corporates).

New FinfraG and EMIR clients

While we are extremely busy helping our clients with the EMIR II onboarding, we have been able to sign a few more FinfraG and EMIR clients recently, among them another large Swiss insurance company as well as a very large German corporate.

First FinfraG client 'live'

Our first FinfraG client (FC+) went live today. All transactions have been reported without any errors. Just another smooth onboarding process.

First FinfraG client online

Our first FinfraG client (FC+) went online today and is ready for the start of the reporting obligation on October 1.

ESMA releases guideline for data transfer between repositories

On August 24, 2017, ESMA has released a guidline clarifying all questions regarding the transfer of data beweteen repositories in case e.g. a client wishes to move to another trade repository.

If you consider switching to a dedicated service provider and want to benefit from REGIS-TR's service, you are alyways more than welcome. The time is now. We will definitely make sure that you will be able to report correctly also after October 28, 2017.

EMIR Reporting to start in Norway in January 2018

According to the Norwegian Financial Market Authorities, the reporting obligation for all market participants will start in January 1, 2018.

EMIR-2-FinfraG data conversion

One of the most frequently asked questions recently has been whether we are able to convert an EMIR-compatible report format into a format that could be used for FinfraG reporting.

The answer is simple. We can. According to our analyis there is just one additional field (type of collateral) which could, if even applicable, be populated with default values or values related to an e.g. master agreement.

The second difference is that under FinfraG for FX instruments also the value in the second currency has to be reported, which can be easily calculated by using the first notional value and the respective e.g. forward rate.

EMIR in force in Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway

Welcome to the (regulatory) jungle. EMIR will come into force in Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway as of July 1, 2017.

FinfraG - first FC+ client 'ante portas'

We have agreed with our first FC+ client on all commercial and technical terms. We are very much looking forward to this cooperation.

FinfraG Reporting - Fee schedule online

Our fee schedule for Finfrag reporting is online.

